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School Information

Bell Schedule


0 Period 7:20am-8:16am
1 Period 8:20am-9:15am
2 Period 9:19am-10:19am
Nutrition Break 10:19am-10:29am
3 Period 10:33am-11:28am
4 Period 11:32am-12:27pm
Lunch 12:27pm-1:02pm
5 Period 1:06pm-2:01pm
6 Period 2:05pm-3:00pm


0 Period 7:20am-8:16am
1 Period 8:20am-9:03am
2 Period 9:07am-9:51am
3 Period 9:55am-10:37am
4 Period 10:41am-11:23am
Lunch 11:23am-11:58am
5 Period 12:02pm-12:44pm
6 Period 12:48pm-1:30pm


0 Period 7:20am-8:16am
1 Period 8:20am-9:00am
2 Period

9:04am-11:19am (see below)
8th Grade Assembly (9:10am-10:10am)

7th Grade Assembly (10:19am-11:19am)

Nutrition Break 11:19am-11:29am
3 Period 11:33am-12:13pm
4 Period 12:17pm-12:57pm
Lunch 12:57pm-1:32pm
5 Period 1:36pm-2:16pm
6 Period 2:20pm-3:00pm

Office Hours

8 AM to 4 PM
Closed on Holidays and Breaks

Phone: (510)723-3100

Visitors on Campus

Bret Harte welcomes all visitors to our school.  All visitors to the Bret Harte Middle School campus MUST check in and sign in at the school office upon arrival. All visitors must wear a Bret Harte visitor badge or District ID card. This includes anyone using the Parent Center or Fields during school hours.

We welcome all volunteers!  If you are volunteering in any classroom, library, chaperoning on a field trip or school dance, you must have completed the HUSD volunteer packet form and have a current TB test and proof of full Covid-19 Vaccination.

Office Staff

Sarah Kolterman
Office Manager
Phone: (510) 723-3100 ext 40103

Diana Isiordia-Burgos
Attendance Clerk
Phone: (510) 723-3100 ext 40111


Please contact the attendance clerk if your student will be absent, has an appointment, or needs an attendance issue resolved.

Phone: (510) 723-3100 ext 40111

By 9th grade, regular and high attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores.