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Office Use Only-Office Discipline Check In Form

Main Office Use Only

Helping students to make Good Decisions!

Discipline is something done FOR a student, not TO a student!

At Bret Harte we recognize that middle school years are a time where students become more self-aware and aware of the world around them. It is a time when students begin to take on more responsibilities and even begin to make increasingly important decisions about their futures.  As they learn to navigate adolescence we understand students will make mistakes.  It is our hope they will take this time to begin to LEARN from their mistakes as well as the mistakes of others.  However, we know that children need guidance and experience to make wise choices and the Faculty and Administration of Bret Harte will help with that.

Bret Harte is a Restorative Practices school and our discipline system works on a progressive scale. *Please note consequences may be accelerated as appropriate. Please call an administrator at any time if you have questions about your student’s disciplinary procedures.  We are committed to working with parents as a team for maximum student success!

Norms and Expectations

Student Behavior

Students are expected to always conduct themselves in a RESPECTFUL and RESPONSIBLE manner AT ALL TIMES. Positive behavior leads to success in school. Any conduct that interferes with the instructional process will result in disciplinary action.

Every possible effort will be made to involve parents in the process of guiding students to become responsible citizens at school and in the community.

Behavior Concerns

When a student chooses to behave outside the expected norms, the progressive discipline model and school district and community interventions will be used and can include:

  • Push-In Support Services

  • Restorative conversations and mediations

  • Parent-teacher conferences

  • Counseling referral

  • SST Meeting, IEP Review

  • Before and after school detention

  • In-school detention/Reflection Room

  • Behavior contract

  • Exclusion from year-end activities

  • Recommendation for expulsion

Zero Tolerance

There are certain student misbehaviors that will not be tolerated at Bret Harte and within HUSD and may result in a student being recommended for expulsion, including possession of a weapon, selling narcotics, and committing or attempting a sexual assault or battery. Please refer to the HUSD student handbook for more information on Education Code 48915.

Sexual Harassment

The California Education Code requires that the governing board prohibit sexual harassment of or by any student or anyone in or from the district. Teachers shall discuss this policy with their students in age appropriate ways and assure them that they need not endure any form of sexual harassment (verbal or physical, including social media). Any student who engages in harassment will be subject to disciplinary action.

Restorative Practices 

Bret Harte is a Restorative Practices school. Restorative practices are an opportunity for students to be held self-accountable for their negative choices. Restorative Practices focus on:

  • Building positive trusting relationships

  • Responsibility of actions

  • Repair of damage caused

  • Restoration of all relationships with a focus on a positive outcome 

  • Reintegration of all parties

Restorative Practices will allow students a reflective opportunity to restore any harm they may have caused. Traditional suspension will be considered after other means have been exercised.

Student Discipline up to Suspension

Pursuant to the Education Code 48900, grounds for suspension are any offense committed in relation to school attendance or school activity, occurring at any time, including but not limited to any of the following:

  1. While on school grounds

  2. While going to or coming from school

  3. During the lunch period

  4. During, or while going to or coming from a school sponsored activity

For more information on Education Code 48900 suspendable offenses, please see the HUSD student handbook.

Due process rights are afforded every student before a disciplinary decision is made, and Restorative Practices are always our first priority.

Students found to be instigating violence between other students or who use electronic devices or cell phones (via the camera or an app) to record violence, threats, fights, or confrontations, will be subject to the same consequences, up to and including suspension, as the perpetrators of these acts. This also applies to students who share, post, or send videos of fights electronically on social media, through an app, or between devices. It is illegal to record video or take pictures without express permission of all parties, and sharing or posting this content publicly is considered bullying by means of an electronic act (Ed Code section 48900 R). Instigating or sharing written posts is also bullying. 

Reflection Room

One of the resources administration may use for first time or less serious offenses is the Reflection Room. As an alternative to out of school suspension or for students who disrupt the learning of themselves or peers, administration may assign the student to the reflection room for the remainder of that period or the day.

Classroom Suspension

A teacher may suspend a student from his/her classroom for the day of the infraction, plus the following school day (Ed. Code 48910a). Reasons for a classroom suspension may include obscenity, profanity, and repeated disruption of class activities or willful defiance. If a teacher is requesting that a student be suspended from his/her class, the teacher will contact the parent to inform them of their child’s behavior and or the classroom suspension. Students will serve the classroom suspension in the Reflection Room and will be provided with an assignment by the teacher issuing the suspension.

After School Detention Policy

At Bret Harte, after school detention may be assigned to students as a consequence for inappropriate behavior. Detention is scheduled at lunch or after school and is supervised. Students are responsible for serving assigned lunch or after school detentions either on the days that the detention is received or the following day.

Campus Beautification

Students may be assigned campus beautification service for violating school rules. The successful completion of the project may replace detention minutes. These projects are assigned by the administration. 

The following items are not allowed on campus:

bats                                           hardballs

laser devices                            permanent markers

sprayable food items             confetti spray        

spray paint                               water balloons        

gum                                           sunflower seeds

If students have these items on campus, they may be thrown away, kept and/or returned to students on the last day of school. There is no eating or drinking in the classrooms, unless there is a particular celebration supervised by the teacher.

Campus Beautification

Students may be assigned campus beautification service for violating school rules. The successful completion of the project may replace detention minutes. These projects are assigned by the administration. 

The following items are not allowed on campus:

  • bats
  • hardballs
  • laser devices
  • permanent markers
  • sprayable food items
  • confetti spray
  • spray paint
  • water balloons
  • gum
  • sunflower seeds

If students have these items on campus, they may be thrown away, kept and/or returned to students on the last day of school. There is no eating or drinking in the classrooms, unless there is a particular celebration supervised by the teacher.

Hallway Procedures

All students must walk quietly and carefully through the hallways. There is never to be any running or playing in any hallway. Students are not allowed to be in the hallway during class time without a pass. 

Students will not be given a hall pass during the first fifteen minutes or the last fifteen minutes of a class period. Hallways are closed before school, after school, and during the nutrition break and lunch period. Students are not to enter the hallways until after the first morning bell at 8:16am.

School Entrance and Exit

Students are to enter and exit the school through the ramp entrance near the PE locker rooms. Students are not allowed to enter from the front stairs before school or to use the elevator without an adult. Students are to gather in the amphitheater or blacktop before school and to stay out of the hallways.